Marriage Matters | Date Night

Marriage Matters | Date Night

Life is busy. Time is short. Everyone is exhausted.

Having children around all day (and night?) is a joy, but that doesn’t mean it’s not exhausting. When you add to this other responsibilities – keeping the house (vaguely) tidy, being out one or two or three(!) evenings a week for church, time spent with wider family and friends, work, time to just veg… the list goes on… all of this adds up to a recipe for tiredness.

So when it comes to date night, we can all too easily resort to “sit in front of the telly in the same room as our spouse night” rather than anything more meaningful. Or even worse, they become the night of getting those annoying little jobs done, and our spouse just happens to be in our vicinity doing little jobs too. Who says romance isn’t dead?

But our marriages matter in our parenting – a healthy marriage is a strong foundation on which we can build a healthy family. There are lots of things to consider when we think about building and maintaining a healthy marriage – in this blog post we want to consider how a date night can be an important brick in the building of our marriage.

It seems to us that date nights have increased in popularity in recent years. We don’t remember them really being talked about a decade ago… but we weren’t married then so may not have been paying attention. Not that it’s a bad thing – date nights can be great for marriages.

But busyness and tiredness can result in the death of date night at worst, or for many of us date nights are in critical condition.

This is certainly true for the two of us. Before we had children date night was thoughtful and intentional. Now, it’s usually not. But we want to do something about it. We’re not condemned for our poor date nights – they neither add to nor take anything away from our salvation and Jesus can work in our marriage without date nights. But we think that date nights are a wise tool in the belt of maintaining our marriage.


A good date night can serve as a calm sea in the middle of a stormy week.

It can be a pause for breath in the middle of the breathless sprint of life.

Date nights give married couples the opportunity to take stock – to properly talk and listen. They enable you to address any issues that you’ve not been properly able to address in the busyness of life. On date night you can refocus on your values and priorities in life and see how you’re doing. And, more than that, you can just enjoy each other. You can look into one another’s eyes without the distraction of a thousand other things averting your gaze.

So here are three practical suggestions for creating date nights that serve your marriage.

Switch off

We’re all guilty of it. We’re in the middle of what’s supposed to be time spent together, and then there’s a little tinkle from our mobile. We can’t help but check – who’s getting in touch? What’s happening in the world? Nothing wrecks the mood quite like it. Once you’ve opened pandora’s box, you want to then have a quick check of your emails… and see what’s happening on Facebook…. and see who’s tweeting…. and – well you get the idea.

The reality is that there’s probably nothing happening that needs to be dealt with right now. There’s nothing that’s so important that it can’t wait a few hours. So switch off. Or at least put your phone to other side of the room so you won’t be tempted to keep checking. Be in the moment, and the moment will be all the sweeter. Give your spouse your attention for this one evening a week – the investment will be worthwhile, and you’ll probably find the break refreshing too.

Do something special

Don’t let date night revert to sit-in-front-of-the-TV night. Try to do something special that will mean you’re spending time interacting together, not just being in the same room as one another.

Special doesn’t have to be expensive. Eat dinner together but dim the lighting, light a few candles, put on some music that’s significant to your relationship and have a glass of wine. Or a hot chocolate with all the trimmings.

Or get a babysitter if you can and do something nice out. That could be something that’s a treat – have dinner; get a cocktail; book into a hotel for the night; go bowling; go dancing; take a pottery-making class; sing karoake. Or go out and do something free – go for a walk; find a secluded spot to watch the sunset; build a den in the woods and have a picnic; go for a bike ride.

Try to do things that will enable you to chat.

Be intentional in your conversation

If you or your spouse aren’t natural conversationalists, be intentional in your conversation. Think before about some topics that you would like to talk about.

Consider what areas of your life you’re finding hard at the moment and decide to figure out the path forward.

Think of a special memory and recount it together – the story of your relationship is a vital part of it’s identity, so take time to re-live it together and celebrate who you are.

Or maybe dream together – think about what you’d like for an aspect of your family – your family’s spiritual life, your financial circumstances, your holiday plans, your characters. Dream together about what you’d like from these areas in 1, 5, 10, 25 years. Think about how you’re going to get there. Pray together about it.

So there we have it. We hope you can see that if we committed to nurturing our relationships through a weekly date night, our marriages could be stronger and our parenting would reap the benefit.

What do you think? Why not share this with your spouse and chat about whether it’s something you could implement, or even take ideas from to strengthen your relationship?

A footnote: We’re careful with this blog to try to make everything gospel-centred. That’s not explicit in this post, but read our introduction to this series to see why think keeping our marriages healthy is important to building gospel-centred parenting. This post very much ties in with that goal.

If you found this helpful we’d love it if you shared it with your friends. Sharing is caring after all!

Christmas Tree Decorating And The Gospel

Christmas Tree Decorating And The Gospel

We LOVE decorating the Christmas tree. For us, like many, it marks the beginning of the Christmas season.

Why do we all love it so?

Maybe it’s the memories that it evokes? Those ornaments that your children made take you back to their sticky fingers and snotty noses. That time the cat pulled the tree over 5 minutes after you made it. The way your Gran always hid those chocolates for you to find in the tree when you were small.

Or perhaps it’s the slightly hysterical giggle you get as you just finish decorating the tree and go to plug in the lights and remember (too late) that the lights stopped working last year, just before the neighbours all came round for mulled wine and minced pies. (We may have done exactly that this year… oops! #schoolboy)

Here at Gospel-Centred Parenting we wanted to create something that would help make recounting the gospel an important part of dressing your tree. That’s why we’ve created a number of Christmas tree decorations that feature an image from part of the Christmas story, so that as you hang the ornament you can marvel in the glory of when God became man.

There are 4 options to choose from – each come in either red, green or black and are only £2.50 each (we ship worldwide too – the price will automatically be adjusted to your currency at checkout). Postage is fixed for however many you buy, and read to the bottom to see the option of buying a set of 3 for a reduced price. Here are the different designs:


This wooden ornament features a hand-stamped image of the stable with the manger and the star. As you decorate the tree and hang this ornament, you can together recount and delight in the wonder of the incarnation. The maker of the universe made the wood for the manger in which he was laid on that first Christmas morning – isn’t that extraordinary! Click here to get yours.


This Christmas Tree Decoration features an image of one of the angels who announced the birth of Jesus. As you place this on your tree you can reflect on the fact that choirs of angels thronged the air at the coming of Jesus – it was the turning point of history, and all heaven broke loose to celebrate! Click here to get yours.

Three Wise Men

The three wise men journeyed, following the star, to worship the young Jesus. Just imagine what lengths these men went to to get to Jesus. That’s one of the astounding things about the coming of Jesus: even as an infant people travelled from far away lands in order to worship him – this is no ordinary child! Click here to get yours.

Starry Sky

As you ponder the stars in the sky, you can reflect on how Jesus is the fulfilment of all of the promises of the Old Testament, not least the promise to Abraham. God promised Abraham that his children would number the stars of the sky – that was made possible through Jesus calling the nations to himself. As you hang this ornament why not reflect on that, recount some of the other promises that God fulfilled in Jesus, and bask together in the light of the glory of Jesus. Click to get yours.

Set of Three

Or finally, if you can’t choose which to buy, why not get a set of 3 ornaments at a reduced price of £6.50. Once again you can choose either red, green or black. Click to get yours.

As with our Jesse Tree Ornaments, 10% of profit will go to the work of Bible translation and distribution.

So there we have it. We really love these ornaments and are thrilled to be able to bring them to you for sale, most of all because of the conversations that they may spark as you decorate your tree. We hope you love them too!

Trusting God with your child’s wellbeing

Trusting God with your child’s wellbeing

Do you remember those first few hours when you arrived back home from hospital with your new baby?

It’s such a surreal yet special time. After the whirlwind of labour and the catalogue of tests immediately after the birth, it’s possibly the first moment of peace and quiet that you have to reflect on what’s just happened.

I (Scott) vividly remember sitting in our living room and looking at our new born baby. A myriad of thoughts went through my head: thankfulness that he seemed fit and healthy; astonishment that a human being could be so small and fragile; wonder at what the life that lay ahead of him may bring.

As these thoughts floated around in my foggy brain, a verse from a song came into my head.

It’s a song from my childhood – I’d probably not thought about it since then:


“How sweet to hold a newborn baby,

And feel the pride and joy he brings;

But greater still the calm assurance:

This child can face uncertain days because He Lives!”


Now in many ways it’s quite a sentimental, twee song – I see that. But in those emotionally-charged moments I found it quite moving and wonderfully reassuring.

I have no idea what will come along in our son’s life. It may be a relatively straightforward life, with no major upsets – he may breeze along like some people seem to. But equally, he may face uncertain days. Health issues, relational problems, pressures from wider society, job-insecurity – who knows?

Whatever comes along – even if what comes along results in Cathy and I not being there to support him – we can have the “calm assurance” that this song speaks of: “this child can face uncertain days because He lives.”

That’s not just a throwaway line. It’s a wonderful peace-bringing, worry-lifting, rock-solid-security. Jesus is alive! He reigns, he is sovereign and he is good.

Jesus already knows the valleys and the mountaintops that our son will traverse. Through it all he will be sovereign and in charge. Whatever life throws at our baby will not come as a surprise to Jesus, and he will be there as a reliable, living, kind stronghold.

What a wonderful calming assurance this brings. Our boy can face uncertain days because Jesus lives. Praise God!